Institutional Distinctiveness
Integrated structure: Patna University is a Teaching University. It is not an affiliating
university. It has integrated structure in undergraduate and post-graduate teaching. College
teachers may be promoted as Professors and become even Dean of Faculty. They can
supervise Ph. D. scholars. Intra movement of faculty members among various colleges and
Post Graduate Departments is in practice at Patna University. Even the students of colleges
get the benefit of being taught by a wide range of teachers. We work as cohesive unit in areas
of sports, cultural and other social activities.
Free Education to women :
Our thrust is on free women's education to enhance the participation of women in higher education.
Enhancement in employment generation: Our priority is to run employment generating selffinancing Programmes like Master of Business Administration, Master of Computer Application, MA(Personnel Management and Industrial Relations), MSc(Biotechnology), MSc (Environmental Science), Master of Journalism and Mass Communication, MA (Rural Studies, Rural Management and Development), MA(Women�s Studies), Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology, Master of Library Information Science, Post Graduate Diploma in Industrial Safety Management etc. are producing employable human resource in specific fields. They not only provide knowledge and skill for employment in relevant areas but also create capacity for self-employment.