

Sl. No.Doc. No.Doc. DateDate of UploadSubjectDetails
1 20-Sep-2024 20-09-2024 letter no_Acad_707_Regarding PhD Registration for Faculty of Law More..
2 20-Sep-2024 20-09-2024 letter no_Acad_713_Regarding PhD Registration in Faculty of Education More..
3 ... 20-Sep-2024 20-09-2024 letter no_Acad_712_Regarding PhD Registration in Faculty of Commerce More..
4 20-Sep-2024 20-09-2024 Letter No_Acad_714_Regarding Extension of PhD Registration in Faculty of Science More..
5 20-Sep-2024 20-09-2024 memo no_Estb_613 More..
6 20-Sep-2024 20-09-2024 Letter No_Acad_718_Regarding Extension for PhD submission in Faculty of Scince More..
7 20-Sep-2024 20-09-2024 PhD Registration Department of Botany More..
8 20-Sep-2024 20-09-2024 PhD Registration Department of Geology More..
9 20-Sep-2024 20-09-2024 PhD Registration Department of Mathematics More..
10 20-Sep-2024 20-09-2024 PhD Registration Department of Statistics More..
11 20-Sep-2024 20-09-2024 PhD Registration Department of Zoology More..
12 20-Sep-2024 20-09-2024 letter no_Acad_719_Regarding Change of Supervisor Faculty of Science More..
13 20-Sep-2024 20-09-2024 letter no_Acad_720 Registered PhD Candidates in Faculty of Humanities More..
14 20-Sep-2024 20-09-2024 letter no_Acad_721_Regarding Extension for PhD submission in Faculty of Humanities More..
15 .. 01-01-1900 letter no_Acad_723_Regarding Cancellation of Admission of Rahul Kumar Gupta Deptt of Maithili More..
16 . 20-Sep-2024 20-09-2024 letter no_Acad_724_Regarding Supervision by Dr Khushboo Deptt of English More..
17 ... 09-Sep-2024 09-09-2024 memo no_336_R_ Regarding conservation of Electricity in office More..
18 .. 09-Sep-2024 09-09-2024 Notice regarding rectified Second Merit list for admission in LLB Session 2024-27 More..
19 .. 20-Aug-2024 20-08-2024 Notice for trial for admission in MA History Semester Session 2024-26 More..
20 ... 07-Aug-2024 07-08-2024 Memo No. Acad 519_ Regarding typing correction in the topic of Ranjan Kumar Tiwari Faculty of Social Science More..
21 25-Jul-2024 .. 25-07-2024 Online Link for PG Regular Login Portal-2024 More..
22 .. 10-Jul-2024 10-07-2024 Memo No.274 Regarding status of CCTV More..
23 .. 06-Jul-2024 06-07-2024 Interaction of Honorable Vice Chancellor Patna University with Faculty members More..
24 .. 06-Jun-2024 06-06-2024 Dr Amit Kumar Head Department of Statistics Patna University More..